Frequently Asked Questions

Usage and Functionality

How can I use Maptimum to find my ideal neighborhood?

Maptimum provides reports with detailed data and analysis on various aspects of a neighborhood to help you evaluate if the area aligns with your preferences. Whether you have a shortlist of houses or are exploring a bunch of neighborhoods in an unfamiliar city, you can generate reports for your options, compare their strengths and weaknesses, and make an informed decision.

I'm having difficulty deciding between multiple neighborhoods, each with its own pros and cons. How can Maptimum help me decide?

Maptimum reports include scores such as the Desirability Score and the Bang for the Buck Score to simplify your decision-making. The Desirability Score, ranging from 0 to 100, measures how closely a neighborhood's characteristics match those of an ideal location. A higher score indicates a better neighborhood. The Bang for the Buck Score assesses the value you get for the median house cost in the area. If this index is above one, the neighborhood offers great value; if below one, it may be overpriced. These scores help you make the right decision when you face analysis paralysis.

Can I compare multiple areas in one report?

Yes, you can generate reports for multiple areas separately and then compare their features side by side. Simply go to the "My Reports" section, select the reports you want to compare, and click "Show Selected Reports."

Should I pick a small or large radius when creating a report?

Your choice depends on your preference. A small radius provides detailed information about the immediate vicinity of the address, while a larger radius covers the broader area. A good question to ask is, "How far out from my home is relevant to my daily life?" Typically, a 1.00-mile radius offers a good balance.

Data and Accuracy

Where does Maptimum get its data?

Maptimum sources data from multiple government agencies and trusted third parties, including, but not limited to, the US Census Bureau, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), OpenWeatherMap, and Walk Score.

How accurate is the information?

Maptimum uses the most accurate and granular data available, often referred to as hyperlocal data. This includes demographic and socioeconomic data at the census block level, election results at the precinct level, and exact coordinates for sex offenders, car accidents, and public housing. To ensure precision, we never use data aggregated at broader levels (like city or state) and attribute it to a smaller area.

How often is the data updated?

Data is updated regularly, often in sync with updates from the original sources.

Do Maptimum reports use AI?

Yes, Maptimum uses AI to synthesize raw data into comprehensive analyses, offering actionable advice and personalized suggestions. This includes evaluating neighborhood suitability for different lifestyles, investment potential, and recommending alternative areas of interest nearby.

Pricing and Payment Options

How much does a Maptimum report cost?

When you sign up on Maptimum for the first time, you get a free report. After that, a single report is currently priced at $9.99. If you purchase more than one credit at once, you receive a significant discount. Check out our packages and pricing for more details.

I want to investigate a couple of neighborhoods with Maptimum but do not want to subscribe monthly. Is that possible?

Absolutely. Maptimum offers a pay-per-report model where you only purchase credits for the number of reports you need. You don't have to worry about subscriptions or paying for services you don't need.